Decoding Product Identifiers - SKU, GTIN, UPC, GPC, and GLN

What are Product Identifiers? – SKU, GTIN, UPC, GPC, GLN

Introduction What are Product Identifiers? Terms like SKUs, GTINs, UPCs, GPCs, and GLNs help with product identification, classification, location, and inventory management. They are often used interchangeably, and they serve different purposes. Whether you’re a retailer, manufacturer, or supplier, understanding these codes is critical for effective inventory control, tracking, and sales. Decoding product identifiers SKU, […]

The role of AI and machine learning in supply chain analytics

The Role of AI and Machine Learning in Supply Chain Analytics

Introduction The global business landscape is rapidly evolving, and enterprises are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the curve. One area that has witnessed significant transformation is supply chain management. With the advent of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), businesses now have access to powerful tools that can […]

EDI Trading Partner

The Risks of Relying on a Single Trading Partner

What is an EDI Trading Partner? Before delving into the financial implications, it’s crucial to understand what an EDI trading partner is. Essentially, an EDI trading partner is a business or entity with whom another business exchanges electronic documents, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipment notices, using standardized EDI formats. The Risks of Relying […]

B2B Integrations - Commport Communications

Importance of B2B Integrations in Business Communication

Introduction What is B2B Integration? B2B integration, or business-to-business integration, refers to the process of connecting and integrating the systems, processes, and data of two or more organizations to enable seamless communication and collaboration. It involves the exchange of information, such as transactions, documents, and data, between businesses electronically, eliminating the need for manual intervention […]

10 Ways EDI Can Improve Supply Chain Efficiency - Commport Communications

10 Ways EDI Can Improve Your Supply Chain Efficiency

Before we get started on how to optimize and improve supply chain efficiency, it is important to define and know what is supply chain management and its importance in the end-to-end delivery of final products to customers. What is supply chain management? Supply chain management is the process of managing and perfecting procurement, the flow […]

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