Commport EDI Solutions

100% EDI Compliance Guaranteed

We Can Connect You With Any Trading Partner!

EDI is a structured electronic communication method that enables the exchange of business documents and information with trading partners without the need for human intervention. EDI replaces the traditional paper-based processes involved in business transactions, such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices, etc., and replaces them with standardized electronic documents.



What is Commport EDI?

Commport EDI facilitates efficient data exchange, enabling businesses to effectively collaborate with partners and automate critical business processes.

EDI Diagram (800 × 800 px) (800 × 500 px) - EDI System 101

Commport offers both integrated EDI and cloud based EDI services. Our EDI software facilitates the electronic exchange of business documents between trading partners. Commport Integrated and cloud EDI services enable businesses to transmit documents such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices, and other transactional information electronically, in a standardized format. The solutions include document mapping, translation, validation, and communication protocols.

Commport’s integrated EDI integrates with all ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, and other business applications, such as inventory management, order processing, and shipping systems, creating a seamless flow of information between different departments and systems. Commport supports EDI standards such as ANSI X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, RosettaNet, ODETTE and TRADACOMS, providing businesses with a secure and efficient means of exchanging information with their trading partners.

Commport’s cloud EDI solution leverages the power of the Internet, empowering small businesses to exchange ANSI X12 documents with their trading partners using a web-browser.

Commport’s EDI solutions enable businesses to establish secure and direct connections with their trading partners eliminating the need to run on premise EDI translation software and reduces communication costs.

Need Help? Download: EDI Buyers Guide

Unlock the full potential of your supply chain with our comprehensive EDI Buyer's Guide — your first step towards seamless, efficient, and error-free transactions


Integrated vs Cloud EDI

What are the differences between Commport Integrated and Cloud EDI Solutions, and which one is right for you?

Integrated EDI and cloud-based EDI are two different approaches to implementing electronic data exchange between business partners.

Here are some key differences:
1. Infrastructure:
  • Integrated EDI: This approach typically involves on-premises software and hardware installations. Companies set up their own EDI infrastructure, including servers, software, and communication protocols. They have full control over their EDI environment and may need dedicated IT resources to manage and maintain it.
  • Cloud-based EDI: In this model, the EDI solution is hosted and managed by a third-party provider in the cloud. Companies access the EDI system via the internet, eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure. The cloud provider handles infrastructure maintenance, upgrades, and scalability.
2. Implementation and Setup:
  • Integrated EDI: Implementing integrated EDI can be complex and time-consuming. It often requires substantial upfront investments in hardware and software, as well as customization to integrate with existing business systems.
  • Cloud-based EDI: Cloud-based EDI solutions are typically quicker to implement. Users can often set up their accounts and start exchanging data within days or weeks, depending on their specific needs. There is usually no need for extensive customization or infrastructure setup.
3. Cost:
  • Integrated EDI: While integrated EDI may have lower ongoing costs once the infrastructure is in place, the initial investment in hardware, software licenses, and maintenance can be substantial. Costs can vary depending on the size and complexity of the implementation.
  • Cloud-based EDI: Cloud-based EDI solutions are often subscription-based, with costs based on usage or the number of transactions. This can be more cost-effective for smaller businesses or those looking to avoid significant upfront expenses.
4. Scalability:
  • Integrated EDI: Scaling an integrated EDI solution can be challenging and may require additional hardware and software investments. Expansion may involve longer lead times and increased complexity.
  • Cloud-based EDI: Cloud-based solutions are inherently scalable. Companies can easily adjust their subscription levels to accommodate changes in transaction volume or business growth without the need for significant infrastructure changes.
5. Maintenance and Upgrades:
  • Integrated EDI: Companies are responsible for maintaining and upgrading their integrated EDI systems, which can be resource-intensive and may require downtime for updates.
  • Cloud-based EDI: Cloud providers handle maintenance and upgrades, ensuring that the system remains up to date and secure without requiring user intervention.
6. Accessibility and Collaboration:
  • Integrated EDI: Access to an integrated EDI system may be limited to on-premises locations or require complex remote access configurations.
  • Cloud-based EDI: Cloud-based solutions are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating collaboration and data exchange with partners worldwide
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Find Your EDI Solution

Commport offers a number of EDI solutions to help you increase your business efficiencies

Integrated EDI
Integrated EDI

Integrate with your internal management system such as ERP, automating the processing of your EDI messages.

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Cloud EDI

Empowers you to begin exchanging EDI with your trading partners today… all you need is an internet connection!

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EDI Outsourcing - Service Bureau
EDI Outsourcing

Let Commport manage ALL aspects of your EDI relationships for you (trading partners/retail partners, etc.)

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Easy Integration With Any Trading Partner!


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Frequently Asked Questions

EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange which is the exchange of large amounts of information computer-to-computer in a specified format between business partners. 

What is EDI?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is defined as the electronic communication process for exchanging data amongst trading partners without human intervention. Simply put, EDI provides a technical basis for commercial “conversations” between two entities, either internal or external.

  • Integrated EDI Solution
  • Cloud EDI
  • EDI Outsourcing
  • Direct EDI/Point-to-Point
  • EDI via AS2
  • EDI via SFTP
  • EDI via FTPS
  • EDI via Value Added Network

EDI compliance refers to a business’s capacity to accurately send and receive EDI transactions according to the order data requirements of its EDI trading partners. Each document must adhere to a specific EDI format to ensure the successful exchange of EDI documents.

EDI communication standards are the requirements for the format and composition of EDI documents. EDI standards delineate the correct order and location of units of data in each EDI document.

The main difference between EDI and simply sending email with EDI information, is the set of rigorous standards involved with following the EDI format. These standards were put in place to ensure that companies who use EDI as their method of information transfer were being diligent about security, and conforming to the proper procedures of the protocol.

The other difference, is that EDI is for the most part handled by computer systems; human intervention is usually only required when there are errors to address. In this way, it needs to follow a seamless data transfer process by which the data set being sent to the receiving machine is accepted and confirmed with no down-time.

Over time, EDI and the web began to live harmoniously. In fact, those businesses that have used EDI as their data transfer methodology have leveraged the Internet to send their EDI documents, instead of what some thought would happen: the Internet replacing EDI. If anything , the Internet has simply facilitated the transfer of EDI documents.

EDI has been used in the past primarily by automotive and retail businesses, however in the past few years, the format has been more widely adopted across many industries. Manufacturing, healthcare, banking, government organizations, pharmaceutical, utility,  construction companies & more.

Basically, any type of business that deals with large amounts of identical paperwork/form data can directly benefit from adopting an EDI solution. The benefits of EDI over using a paper system are clear:

  • Significant cost savings
  • Eliminate errors caused by manual data entry
  • Improve cash flow – never miss invoice again
  • Reduced drain on resources overall
  • Reduced error rates in data transfer
  • Improved security of data being transferred
  • Reliability – you can have confidence that data is reaching its destination
  • Automates the entire EDI document exchange

“EDI solutions (Electronic Data Interchange) are designed to help you manage this massive amount of paperwork. The considerations for savings in time, potential errors from mistyped or incorrectly logged information, not to mention the impact on the environment—all of these are important considerations when you’re looking into an Edi solution for your business.

If your business model is based on having a series of processes that are labour intensive—yet completely necessary—in regards to a huge amount of work required to keep things running, then you will want to consider an EDI solution.”

Getting started with EDI

First of all, lay out your process for handling documents from one side of the chain to the next. What is the process? Does it require a great amount of manual intervention? Think of how many places in the process where a human agent is necessary to move the process to the next stage.

Think about how much variation exists between documents. Consider that with an EDI solution, there should be seamless migration from one system to another. The less human intervention required, the better the system will perform.

Next, identify your internal network. What are you currently using to move your processes forward? How would you benefit from having an EDI solution in place? What would it replace? Have you considered the time and energy considerations for implementing an EDI solution?

Plan out your workflow. Once your documents have been brought to a certain level, how are they to be passed to the next stage?

Once you have identified these steps, you will be that much more prepared to integrate an EDI solution to manage a lot of the legwork currently going into your document tracking and submitting process.

What type of infrastructure do you need to have in place? The great thing about modern EDI solutions (Commport offers several solutions, including EDI software solutions like CyberLiNK) you do not have to have more than an Internet connection and the proper software installed to make use of the many advantages of EDI. The nature of Commport’s solutions is to apply optimum security right out of the gate, so you don’t even have to think about it.


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